The night didn't start off well. After getting off the diverted bus in Mare Street, we wondered why exploding rockets weren't lighting up the Hackney sky as we trudged along the canal in the chilly evening air. Two minutes later our questions were answered by a swarm of bonfire-nighters heading in the opposite direction, towards us. Clearly we had missed this year's display. On arrival at Victoria Park, sure enough, the fun fair was closing too...
But the night was still young and I do not give up on the chance to party that easily. After a somewhat surreal bus journey involving consumption of various pseudo-cocktails from plastic bottles with people in various more advanced stages of inebriation, we ended up at a house in Clapton where hilarity, involving skulls, foxes and a lot wine ensued.
But the (figurative) replacement for the missed fireworks came with a trip back down to Mare Street and the rather wonderfully named Disco Bloodbath. Despite failing to blag our way in for free (I got a discount for my effort, haha) the night was worth every shakily-remembered penny. Though I'm not paying £4 for a can of tepid beer again. Music music music. Dancing dancing dancing. Is there any greater joy in life?
Don't answer that.